


・死亡アニメーションを準備します。私はmixamo”Dying Backwards”を使用しました。


public class ZombieCombatManager : MonoBehaviour //EP17追加 ゾンビにアタッチ
    [Header("Attack Damage")] //EP18追加
    public int grappleBiteDamage = 33; //ゾンビの噛み攻撃のダメージ


public class PlayerStatManager : MonoBehaviour //EP18追加 プレイヤーにアタッチ
    PlayerManager player;

    public int playerHealth = 100;

    [Header("Pending Damage")]
    public int pendingDamage = 0;

    private void Awake()
        player = GetComponent<PlayerManager>();

    private void KillPlayer()
        if (!player.isPreformingAction)
            player.animatorManager.PlayAnimation("Player_Dead", true);

        player.isDead = true;

    public void TakeDamageFromGrapple()
        playerHealth = playerHealth - pendingDamage;

        if (playerHealth <= 0)
public class PlayerManager : MonoBehaviour
 public PlayerStatManager playerStatManager; //EP18追加

    public bool isDead; //EP18追加 プレイヤーが死んだ場合、true

 private void Awake()
        playerStatManager = GetComponent<PlayerStatManager>(); //EP18追加
public class ZombieGrappleCollider : MonoBehaviour //EP17追加 ゾンビ右手/左手直下のRight Hnad grapple Collider/Left Hnad grapple Colliderにアタッチ
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        //If we grab a collider on the "Player" layer,we proceed
        if (other.gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("Player"))
            PlayerManager player = other.GetComponent<PlayerManager>();

            if (player != null)
                //if the player is not already performing an action, we proceed
                if (!player.isPreformingAction)
                    //Play the player's grapple animation
                    player.animatorManager.PlayAnimation("Player Grapple", true);
                    player.playerStatManager.pendingDamage = zombie.zombieCombatManager.grappleBiteDamage; //EP18追加

public class AttackState : State //EP10追加 ゾンビ直下のstatesオブジェクトにアタッチ

  public override State Tick(ZombieManager zombieManager)
        zombieManager.animator.SetFloat("Vertical", 0f, 0.2f, Time.deltaTime);

        //If our target is dead, return here and nothing.
        if (zombieManager.currentTarget.isDead) //EP18追加
            return this;
public class IdleState : State //EP8追加 ゾンビ直下のstatesオブジェクトにアタッチ
 private void FindATargetViaLineOfSight(ZombieManager zombieManager)
          //For every collider that we find, that is on the same layer pf the player, we try and serch it for PlayerManager script
        for(int i = 0; i < colliders.Length; i++)
            if (player != null)

                if(viewableAngle>minimumDetectionRadiusAngle && viewableAngle < maximumDetectionRadiusAngle) 
                    if (Physics.Linecast(playerStartPoint,zombieStartPoint,out hit, ignoreForLineOfSightDetection)) //EP10変更
                      //  Debug.Log("There is something iin the way");
                        //Cannot find the target, there is an object in the way
                        //  Debug.Log("We have a target, switching states");
                        if (!player.isDead) //EP18追加
                            zombieManager.currentTarget = player;

